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This manual contains assembly instructions for all hollow wood surfboards available on this site. It is delivered to you immediately as a pdf file that can be displayed on any computer using Adobe Acrobat software which is available free at the Adobe web site. 


The manual currently contains 78 pages with just over 200 full-color illustrations. There is a picture or illustration for virtually every step of the process. We cover everything from the tools and materials you will need through glassing and finishing the board.


Depending on which board you decide to build (we have 12 great models to choose from) you'll end up with a fully functional, beautiful board that will draw a crowd every time you take it out. All the boards are based on models designed and built by professional surfboard builders. They are time-proven boards that, in some cases, have been updated with modern rail and bottom profiles. You will have a great time building the board and an even greater time riding it.


The instructions were written by Jack Young - who built his first hollow wooden surfboard in 2005. The boards have evolved from the original flat-top boards that were very cool but tended to be a little heavy, to a dome-top, modern style board with improved rails and shape that rival their foam counterparts. The original flat-top book went through 11 versions over the years and the current dome-top board version is on its 4th update. Every one of our almost 10,000 customers is entitled to lifetime updates and support at no cost.

Hollow Wood Surfboard Assembly Manual

  • All files are delivered as pdf files that can be read using Adobe Acrobat Reader which is available for free download at the Adobe web site.  The program works on both Mac and PC computers.  The templates will print full size on a regular laser or ink jet printer using either "A" size or "A4" size paper.

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