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Here's why our manual is so special...

We've "been there" and "done that".  We started showing people how to build a hollow wood surfboard in 2005 and over the years have helped thousands build their dream board. Even though hundreds of other builders around the world have used the same plans, your board will be a one-of-a-kind board.  We are constantly updating and improving our instructions and existing customers can get a free update simply by asking.  Forever!

We show how to copy an existing board, design your own board, or build one of our 12 shapes.  And you don't need years of woodworking experience or lots of special tools. 

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The pdf files are sent in a Zip file that work on both PC's and Mac's.   The real beauty is there is no waiting for delivery. You get a download link right away. You don't pay duties, shipping, or wait for customs clearance.

Actual pages from the assembly manual.
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